Proff. Gjergj Tefik ÇAUSHI (Albania)
Medical Faculty, TIRANA UNIVERSITY1973-1979
Diploma in Medicine, TIRANA. Diploma seria Nr. 3638/B. Nr. i regist. 4551.
1- Training qualification in General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Tirana.
2- During 1981-1984 I completed my postgraduate studies in the specialty of orthopedic surgery at the University Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology
3- In 1984 I received a degree in specialty in Orthopedics-Traumatology.
4- One-month qualification intern at the “Andre Mignot” hospital in Versailles, France in 1990 on arthroscopic surgery problems.
5- Six months qualification at the Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, France in 1991 for orthopedic problems in general and especially in the field of knee surgery.
6- 3 Month Training Qualification at “Andre Mignot Hospital” In Versailles, France in 1991 on the problems of knee endoprosthesis and fulsofemoral articulation.
7- Prerequisite training in orthopedics-traumatology for 3 months in Strasbourg, France, on
1994, on endoprosthesis problems.
8- Training at Manchesuchest Hospital, USA, in 1998 for E.M.S.
9- Training in Chisinau, Moldova, in 1998 for E.M.S.
10- 10-day qualification course for orthopedic hemophilia treatment in Istanbul, Turkey, year 2001.
11- Two-week qualification course in Vincenzo, Italy, for hemophilic endoprosthesis, year 2004.
12- 10-day qualification course in Rome, Italy, for Orthopedic Ortees, 2005.
13- 10-day qualification course in Bucharest, Romania, for koksofemoral dentures, year 2006.
14- 1 week workshop on problems of orthopedic surgery in Zagreb, Croatia, year 2006.
1- K.SH.M. Highest Attestation Commission, 19/10/1990; Nr. Decision 238, Diploma no. 2596.
2- DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, Scientific Qualification Commission, no. Decision 351; Date 30/06/1993. Nr. Of Registry 2596.
3- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Decision Nr. 19, dated 16/07/1999, Evidence.
4- PROFESSOR, Decision Nr. 110, dated 07/05/2010.
1- Patient in General Surgery at Hospital Nr. 2, Tiranë 1980-1981.
2- Trainer in Orthopedics-Traumatology, Hospital Nr. 2; Tirana, years 1981-1984.
3- External Course Teacher “General Surgery” In the Nursing School,
Tirana, 1983-1993.
4- External lecturer of the subject “Orthopedics-Traumatology”, at the Faculty of Medicine from 1989-2003.
5- Pedagogue, trainer for E.M.S. Near the hospital center “Mother Teresa”, Tirana, 1999-2002.
6- Effective pedagogues in orthopedics and traumatology, Department of Special Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Tirana, 2003 and onwards.
7- Head of Superior Chemistry of Orthopedics-Traumatology, 2005 and onwards.
1- Member of the Association of Orthopedic and Traumatologists of Albania.
2- Member of the Association of Orthopedic and Traumatologists of Puglia and Lukania, APLOT (Italy).
3- Member of the Hemophilia Society of Albania.
4- Member of the World Hemophilia Association.
5- Member of the EFORT Academy (Zyrich-Switzerland).