Prof. Florin Ramadani (Kosovo)
Education and Training
1982-1987 Medical studies, University of Craiova
Professional experience
15th of September 1987 Promotion “Doctor of medicine”, University of Craiova
1988-1989 Federal Armed Forces Doctor, Senta, Yu
1989-1991 Resident Doctor at the surgery Department, University of Prishtina
September 1992 Nostrification of the academic title “doctor of medicine” at the medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
1994-1995 Doctor at the “A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“
1995-2000 Resident Doctor at the Orthopedic and Traumatology department („A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“)
2000-2002 Orthopedist and Traumatologist at „A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“
2002 Head of foot- and kneesurgery
January 2002 Consultant at „A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“
January 2006 – December 2007 Deputy department of Traumatologic Department at “A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“
January 2007 Colaborator at the Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Victor Babes University, Timisoarä, Romania
January 2008 Head of the traumatologic department at “A. Ö. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Kreuz, Wels“
18th November – 11th December 2009 Surgery and Education at the “Church hospital Ambala City, India
30th November – 4th December 2010 Contribution to the International Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy advanced Course
January 2011 Deputy head of department of the Traumatology Department
at the “Klinikum Wels/ Grieskirchen”, Wels, Austria
September 2011 Clinical Professor, University of Tetovo, Macedonia
28th February – 2nd Mars 2012 Contribution to the International Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy advanced Course
AGA Kongres Wiesbaden ,Germany September 2013 S.O.R.O.T Cluj –Napoca Romänia, Lector, October 2013 Live Surgery course S.O.T.O Cälimanesti, Romänia, october 2013 International knee surgery and arthroscopy advanced course 4th Edition under ESSKA Patronage Timisoara 11/2013
1st-20th of October 2000 „Carl Gustav Carus“, Uniclinic, department of traumatology, Prof. Dr. Hans Zwipp
19th February – 24th March 2005 “Institut for Foot and Ankle Surgery“, „Department of Veterans Affairs- Chicago Medical Center”, Prof. Dr. John F. Grady, Chicago, USA
13th – 19th March 2005 „American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons Stanford University Hospital”, DPM Amol Saxena
3rd -14th March 2014 UPMC University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc (Hon), DPs (Hon) Distinguished Service Professor
14-16 April 2014 Visiting Professor ,University of Ioanina prof dr,Georgulis Anastassios
October 2004 – December 2007 Study course, „Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Victor Babes“, Timisoara, “Facultatea de Medicina Generala”, Timisoara, Romania. Subject: “Treatment of the periferic ostheopathy, Morbus Charcot with angle-stable implants”, Prof. univ. dr. Horia Vermesan
14th December 2007 Promotion PhD
Scientifical publications
1. Clinical experience With Martix Associated Autolugus Chondrocyte tranasplantation (m-ACT). Ramadani F., Orthner E., Kitzler B., Wallner B., Burguhuber C., Fussenger M., Meinhart J. Journal orthopedic and ASORIS Nr 1(6)2005 2. Diagnosis and new treatment in Charcotarthropathy (Aspecte noi in tratamentul si diagnosticul Bolii Charcot Ramadani F., Revistä de ortopediae si traumatologie a ASORIS Nr. 1(7)2006) 3. Infection of the diabetic foot (Infectia la piciorul diabetic, Ramadani F., revistä de ortopedia si traumatologie a ASORIS 2(8) 2006.) 4. Case Report of knee luxation (unei luxatii de ghenunchi la o pacientä Obezä)
OA dr.Florin Ramadani,Wels,Austria; Conf dr.Radu Prejbeanu, Timisoarä, dr D. Vermesan IMF Timisoarä; Prof dr. H. Vermesan IMF Timisoarä. Clinicä de Ortopedie, ASORIS 5. Ankle arthroscopie indication and results (Arthroskopie am Sprunggelenk-Indikation und Ergebnisse): F. Unger, F. Ramadani , B. Unger, G.Lajatai, E. Orthner, Wels: Arthroskopie am Sprunggelenk: Murnauer Arhtroskopiekurs/Hempling/Beickert.-Landsberg:Ecomed,1997 Seite 298-303 6. Rezultate preeliminare obtinute dupä inlocuirea meniscalä prin implantarea de matrice colagenicä (CMI) ASORIS 1 (6)2005 7. Clinical experience With Martix Associated Autolugus Chondrocyte tranasplantation (m-ACT). Ramadani F., Orthner E., Kitzler B., Wallner B., Burguhuber C., Fussenger M., Meinhart J. 5th Symposium Gent/Belgium May 26-29,2004 ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society) 8. Clinical experience With Martix Associated Autolugus Chondrocyte tranasplantation (m-ACT). Ramadani F., Orthner E., Kitzler B., Wallner B., Burguhuber C., Fussenger M., Meinhart J.AGA ;Frankfurt 2006 9. Ankle-Ligament-injuries (Bandverletzungen am Sprunggelenk) F. Unger., F. Ramadani; Spotrmed. 2/98:9-12, 1998 10. Frische fibulare Kapselbandverletzungen am Sprunggelenk, F. Unger, G. Lajtai, G. Aitzetmüller, F. Ramadani, E. Orthner, Medizin &praxis: 30-34,2000 11. Ankle arthroscopie retrospective analysis and complication (Arthroskopie des oberen Sprunggelenkes. Eine retrospektive Analyse der Komplikationen), F. Unger, G. Lajtai, F. Ramadani, G. Aitzetmülller, E. Orthner, Unfallchirurg 103:858-863,2000 12. Complication of Ankle Arthroskop, F. Unger, G. Lajtai, G. Aitzetmüller, F. Ramadani, G. Schmiedhuber, E. Orthner; Soumen Orthopedia ja Traumatologia 24;375-380 2001 13. Results after LCA-reconstruction (Ergenbisse nach Rekonstruktion Vorder-Kreuzband-Rupturen.), G. Lajtai, G. Aitzetmüller, F. Unger, F. Ramadani, K. Humer, E. Orthner, Unfall Chirurg 1999, 102:35-42 14. S. Senck1, B. Plank1, J. Kastner1, F. Ramadani2, K. Trieb3, S.G. Hofstaetter3; Visualisierung lokaler kortikaler Defekte im Charcot-Fuß mittles
Mikrocomputertomographie; Orthopäde 2015 . 44:8-13 15. F. Ramadani1,2,3, H. Härägus3, P. Radu3, K. Trieb4, S. Hofstaetter4; Komplexe Rekonstruktionen mit winkelstabiler interner Plattenfixation bei Charcot-Arthropathie; Orthopäde 2015 . 44:33-38 16. K. Trieb1, F. Ramadani2, S.G. Hofstaetter1; Konservative Behandlung des Charcot-Fußes mittels Vollkontaktgips; Orthopäde 2015 . 44:39-44
Invited speaker and member 1. “Smith & Nephew” company, trainer and speaker (UK York, Andover, Boston USA, Lithuania) 2. S.O.R.O.T, Romania 3. AGA, Zurich, Switzerland 4. Association for Foot Surgery, Raisting, Germany 5. ESSKA, Luxemburg 6. ÖGU, Vienna, Austria 7. Kosovo Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgeons – KSOTS, Prishtina, Kosovo 8. AAOS 9. SOTO 10. ATOM 11. ESKA
1. Dr. Amol Saxena: International Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Springer, 2012 2. Prof. Dr. Radu Prejbeanu: Atlas de artroscopie a genunchiului. Timisoara. Artpress, 2010 3. Dr.Vermesan Dinu:Optiuni terapeutice in artroza gleznei.Timisoara.Artpres, 2012 4. Radu Prejbeanu Editor ;Atlas of Knee Arthroscopy,Spinger London Heidelberg New York,Dordrecht, ISBN 978-1-4471-6593-4
Additional information
Development of an implant (ankle-stable plate for diabetic foot)